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Top investors this month
Portfolio Breakdown By Theme
A few days ago, I posted a list of some of the themes that I thought would define the 2020s. Below is a list of the top five themes in my portfolio:

  1. E-Commerce - 29.81% - $AMZN, $MELI, $SE etc.
  2. SaaS - 24.44% - $TTD, $DOCU, $CRWD etc.
  3. Advanced Tech. - 11.13% - $AAPL, $NVDA, $SPCE etc.
  4. Financial Tech. - 9.96% - $SQ, $PYPL, $MA etc.
  5. Remote Lifestyle - 6.00% - $ZM, $FVRR, $PTON

I understand that these categories are very rough estimates. The stocks within my SaaS basket, for instance, can hardly be grouped into one, and the same can be said about the "remote lifestyle" basket. Nevertheless, these themes help me to understand where I am significantly invested (e-commerce) and where I want to invest more (real estate disruption; clean energy).

Which themes top your portfolio, and which are you hoping to add to?

ParrotStock's avatar
Great post.

I do this often in about a dozen different types of groupings 😁

Most are universal like sector, type, market cap, etc.

But the one I use the most is a custom category that groups them into “why” I have them in my portfolio

Categories like advertising, e-com, consumer, dividends, etc.

You’ve inspired me, I’m going to try and write something up on it tomorrow 🙏
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