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US Portfolio February Results:
Performance YTD: -22.24% vs SPY: -8.05%
Portfolio By Weight:
$SE - 16.88%
$NVDA - 13.39%
$DDOG - 12.51%
$PLTR - 10.75%
$ZS - 8.03%
$SQ- 6.77%
$TTD - 4.11%
$ABNB - 4.40%
$MGNI - 3.93%
$GOOG - 3.91%
$DOCN - 3.77%
$TSLA - 3.70%
$OPEN - 3.37%
$MQ - 2.60%
$QQQ - 1.07%

Rough start to the the year for the portfolio my largest position $SE down 35% YTD (It was 22% of my portfolio in November last year) which has accelerated the losses. It releases earnings in the morning, i'm hoping for the trend to change.

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Reasonable Yield's avatar
Thanks for sharing, keep it up
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