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If there is a "hard landing" after the tightening cycle, can this portfolio perform better than the broader market?
$GS The forecast for the US economy is optimistic all over Wall Street. If the tight monetary policy continues and the US economy makes a "hard landing", it also lists 32 stocks with abundant cash flow, high dividends and low valuations that can be used to fight the recession.

This combination includes:

Put these companies into an equal-weighted portfolio of investors, and the returns since 2017 are as follows

And $IWB Compared with, the performance is more.

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By year alone, this portfolio outperformed the Russell 1000 Index in 2017, 2018 and 2022.

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The performance since 2023 is actually lower than the broader market.

But the portfolio did better in years of overall pullback/retracement, which is why Goldman chose such companies.

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