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Taxable Quarterly Watchlist Review
Quarterly update on convictions and remove low quality watchlist names. Similar to my Roth IRA cleanup shared yesterday.

Conviction Changes
$ACC - Medium to Low. Isn't the ticker I thought it was initially.
$HIBB - Medium to High. Have done a decent amount of research on this one and like the business.
$LULU - High to Medium. Need to focus on core business.
$MRNA - High to Medium. See how they continue post pandemic.
$PLTR - High to Medium. Adjusting overzealousness.
$RICK - High to Medium. Matching holding in Roth IRA.
$SONY - High to Medium. Not sure of long term prospects outside of Play Station.
$SPOT - High to Medium. Like the product but uncertain of how good of a long term investment this would be.
$TPR - Medium to High. Increasing as luxury goods still seem to be in high demand even with inflation.

Watchlist Cleanup
Started with 40 tickers in watchlist. Removing Low conviction holdings and under Portfolio median ranks.

Low Conviction

Below Portfolio Median (3)



Overall, 13 tickers removed. This brings watchlist to 27 potential holdings.

I am looking to make updates to this portfolio to factor in overall shareholder return, so this might look a bit different moving forward.

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