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Dividend Forecast - Week of 6/27
Good morning! Below are my expected dividends this week, and how they will be used.
$SCHD - $0.70 per share, $1.43 total, reinvesting
$SCHF - $0.28 per share, $0.83 total, cash
$SCHB - $0.75 per share, $7.52 total, cash
$VTI - $0.75 per share, $7.52 total, cash
$VDE - $1.01 per share, $4.11 total, reinvesting
$BAM - $0.14 per share, $0.14 total, reinvesting
$PEP - $1.15 per share, $3.48 total, cash
$KO - $0.44 per share, $1.81 total, cash
$PPL - $0.23 per share, $4.11 total, cash
$CMA - $0.68 per share, $18.55 total, cash
Total - $41.98
Roth IRA
$VTI - $0.75 per share, $3.75 total, cash
$VNQ - $0.57 per share, $5.70 total, cash
Total - $9.45
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