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Top investors this month
August Portfolio Review
Interesting month in August. Some macro events driving markets, rollercoaster in the oil space and the ever evolving inflation landscape.

Here is how my portfolios reacted and performed this month:

Overall Top 12
Not very much change in my Top 12, just some shuffling. $AAPL price increase moved it from #8 to #7. $TGT rose from #12 to #11. Other than that, no changes.

Post media

Taxable Portfolio
% Change (vs S&P): -2.64% (+1.33%)
Contributions: $94
Dividends: $16.92 (+29.9% over August '21)
Buys: None
Dividend Reinvestments: 0.0216 shares of $CARR, 0.0055 shares of $AAPL, 0.0301 shares of $ABBV, 0.0070 shares of $O
Sells: None
Cash: 1.75%

Top 5 Positions:
  1. $CMA (13.4%)
  2. $VTI (11.9%)
  3. $VEA (7.0%)
  4. $VWO (4.9%)
  5. $PFE (4.5%)

Historic Trend:
Post media

Roth IRA
% Change (vs S&P): -2.79% (+1.18%)
Contributions: $50 (thanks @commonstock)
Dividends: $10.34 (+54.6% over August '21)
Buys: None
Dividend Reinvestments: 0.0056 shares of $LOW, 0.0163 shares of $EMB, 0.0427 shares of $CARR, $0.0511 shares of $SBUX
Sells: None
Cash: 1.83%

Top 5:
  1. $VTI (12.2%)
  2. $VNQ (11.4%)
  3. $SBUX (9.4%)
  4. $VIG (9.1%)
  5. $HD (7.2%)

Historic Trend:
Post media

Thanks for following along on my journey. Glad to be able to share here and hold myself accountable with all of you! Would love to hear any thoughts or comments below!

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