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Portfolio Update - March 2021
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I have started a fresh portfolio to track my performance publicly using my "The Emotionless Investing Framework". In this post, I'll be sharing my newly initiated positions!

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The market has been quite volatile these months, mainly because of growing interest rates and the Archego sell-off. Will it go down further? No one knows for sure. What I do know is that I’ll stick to my framework and try investing as emotionless as possible. I italicized ‘try’ to insinuate the difficulty I face is hindering my emotions. It’s hard, to be honest, but the framework truly does help.

If you haven’t read my previous post where I explain the framework, I highly recommend you before reading this, otherwise, you may not understand

As I said in my previous post, I use a basket approach for investing. A basket will contain no more than 15 stocks.

Let me show you my baskets!

The ETF Basket


['ARKK', 'ARKG', 'ARKW', 'ARKF', 'ARKQ', 'ARKX', 'FNGS', 'FNGO', 'FNGU', 'OGIG', 'NUSI', 'IBUY', 'WCLD', 'MSOS', 'BLOK']

As you can see, I’m an avid believer in Cathie Woods's (Owner of ARK invest funds) vision and her open-source approach to research.

I do have a few FANG+ funds, including its 2x and 3x leveraged ETN.

‘OGIG’ is Kevin O’Leary’s ETF which invests in global internet giants.

‘NUSI’ is a Nasdaq-covered call ETF that provides downside protection and a dividend yield of 7.5% as of this writing.

IBUY’ is a basket of companies that obtain 70% or more revenue from online or virtual sales.

WCLD’ tracks the Bessemer Venture Partners (BVP) emerging cloud index.

MSOS’ is a pure US Cannabis ETF.

BLOK’ ETF contains companies actively involved in the development and utilization of blockchain technologies.

The reasons behind each pick will be covered in later posts. Stay tuned!

Now let’s calculate the monthly percentage change for a holding (I have a python script that does it for me, comment if you want to know more about it).


Its price on 1st of March: 129.50
Its price on 31st of March: 119.94

Percentage Change = (New price - Old Price)/Old Price *100
=((119.94-129.50)/129.50) *100 =
= -7% (rounded)

We do the same for each stock.

ARKK: -7%
ARKG: -5%
ARKW: -8%
ARKF: -7%
ARKQ: -4%
FNGS: -5%
FNGO: -10%
FNGU: -17%
OGIG: -8%
NUSI: -2%
IBUY: -2%
WCLD: -9%
MSOS: -12%
BLOK: +7%

i.e., Individual % change = [-7, -5, -8, -7, -4, -5, -10, -17, -8, -2, -2, -9, -12, 7]

"I haven’t added ‘ARKX’ in the calculation since it only started trading on the 30th of March"

Total stocks in portfolio = 14 (Didn’t include ‘ARKX’)

Average monthly portfolio change = Sum of Individual % change / Total stocks in the portfolio
= (-7-5-8-7-4-5-10-17-8-2-2-9-12+7) / 14
= -6%

Therefore, we buy each stock in a multiple of 6 (If you don’t understand, please read the previous post)

Let’s say the minimum amount you want to invest is $10. Hence, you will buy 6*10 = $60 worth of each stock.

There are 15 stocks in total (only excluded ‘ARXK’ in the calculation, not in the buying process), and my framework tells me to invest $60 into each stock. Therefore, I have invested a total of 15*60 = $900 into my ETF basket.

Feel free to change the minimum price as per your situation as I have stated in the previous post

The Chosen One’s

This is a basket of my high conviction stocks.

['APPH', 'PLTR', 'LMND', 'NNOX', 'U', 'TSLA', 'SHOP', 'SQ', 'SE', 'CRWD', 'IPOE', 'BFLY', 'NET', 'NVDA', 'SDGR']

"I’m only sharing the ticker symbol, to know more about the stock please google the symbol. The reason behind each pick will be explained in the coming posts."

Use the same process as above to find individual percentage changes and the average change in the portfolio.

Portfolio Weight:15
Individual % change: [-45, -3, -26, -10, -4, -2, -11, 0, -5, -13, -8, -12, -2, 0, -27]
The average change in the portfolio is: -11%

Therefore, each stock is bought in a multiple of 11. If the minimum amount is $10, as stated before, $110 is invested into each stock for a total of 110*15 = $1650.


A basket of highest conviction cryptocurrencies and tokens.

['$BTC.X', '$ETH.X', '$DFI.X', '$HNS.X', '$ATOM.X', '$DASH.X', '$MANA.X', '$BAT.X', '$STX', '$NMR.X', '$DOGE.X', '$FIL.X', '$HNT.X', '$ALGO.X]

"I’m only sharing the ticker symbol, to know more about the stock please google the symbol with the keyword 'crypto' beside. The reason behind each pick will be explained in the coming posts."

Use the same process as above to find individual percentage changes and the average change in the portfolio.

Portfolio Weight:14
Individual % change: [27, 33, 11, 54, 2, 8, 312, 117, 20, 31, 6, 445, 166, 41]
The average change in the portfolio is +91%.

Since the average change is positive, you have two options; Either invest the minimum amount ($10 in the above case) or wait for the change to become negative and invest accordingly.

I recommend you to initiate a starter position if you don’t have any and further invest only when there’s a negative change.

My current positions and average buy prices:

ETF Basket

Stock Avg buy price($)
$ARKF 52.335
$ARKG 89.8661
$ARKK 120.8873
$ARKQ 84.7206
$ARKX 20.7951
$ARKW 149.5924
$FNGS 28.65
$FNGO 38.6952
$FNGU 28.9001
$NUSI 26.9451
$IBUY 125.4705
$WCLD 49.2603
$OGIG 53.3452
$BLOK 56.5851
$MSOS 43.5701

Chosen One’s

Stock Avg buy price($)
$APPH 18.015
$BFLY 16.74
$CRWD 185.7575
$LMND 94.8251
$NET 71.9801
$NNOX 41.7301
$NVDA 551.2403
$PLTR 22.965
$SDGR 79.62
$SE 236.3761
$SHOP 1142.3824
$SQ 228.9997
$TSLA 670.2005
$U 100.2506

If you have any confusion or recommendations, feel free to comment. If you liked the post, please share and like!

Thanks for reading.
The Framework I Use For Investing Emotionless and Peacefully
I don't time the market; the framework does it for me! Let me demonstrate how I use my framework for investing and its performance during 2020. It's a simple framework but powerful if used right!

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