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July Commonstock Watchlist Update
Monthly Watchlist update is below. Some significant changes this month and adding some new names to my Taxable watchlist.

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Roth IRA
Goal - to add to un-represented sectors in portfolio. These sectors are Healthcare, Defense, Consumer Discretionary and Utilities.

For reference:
  • S&P Price Gain 1 Year is +16.63%
  • S&P 3 Year is +39.64%.
  • Portfolio Average Yield is 2.55%
  • Portfolio 95th Percentile Yield is 5.44%
  • S&P 500 P/E is 23.46
  • Portfolio Median P/E is 22.27

June Watchlist:



$MRK - 4.5/6
  • Price vs S&P - +0.5. 1 Yr +13.04% vs +16.63% and 3 Yr +41.7% vs +39.64%.
  • FCF Rank - +1. Div/FCF is 48.31% and less than 50%.
  • Conviction - +0.5. Medium.
  • Dividend Yield - +0.5. Yield of 2.61% is higher than average, less than Top 5%.
  • Weighting - +1. Currently no holdings in sector.
  • P/E - +1. 20.96 is less than portfolio median and S&P.
  • Source: Pre-2023
$GD - 4.5/6
  • Price vs S&P - +0.5. 1 Yr +1.20% vs +16.63% and 3 Yr +47.69% vs +39.64%.
  • FCF Rank - +1. Div/FCF is 40.15% and less than 50%.
  • Conviction - +1. High.
  • Dividend Yield - 0. Yield of 2.37% is less than average.
  • Weighting - +1. Currently no holdings in sector.
  • P/E - +1. 17.26 is less than portfolio median and S&P.
  • Source: $LMT peer from Merrill 1/23
$CWEN.A - 4.5/6
  • Price vs S&P - +0.5. 1 Yr -20.37% vs +16.63% and 3 Yr +17.34% vs +39.64%.
  • FCF Rank - +1. Div/FCF is 36.05% and less than 50%.
  • Conviction - +0.5. Medium.
  • Dividend Yield - +0.5. Yield of 5.68% is higher than Top 5%.
  • Weighting - +1. Currently no holdings in sector.
  • P/E - +1. 4.90 is less than portfolio median and S&P.
  • Source: Koyfin Screener 2/18/23

Goal - to track companies in sectors I will most likely sell out of that have higher rankings than current holdings.

I am currently less than 1% weighted in $CRON and $BUD. I sold all of $FUN and $O, so I am unrepresented in those sectors (Entertainment and Real Estate).

Adding some names to the Watchlist that are higher rated than my current holdings in that sector.

For reference:
  • S&P Price Gain 1 Year is +16.63%
  • S&P 3 Year is +39.64%.
  • Portfolio Average Yield is 2.99%
  • Portfolio 95th Percentile Yield is 5.82%
  • S&P 500 P/E is 23.46
  • Portfolio Median P/E is 20.11
June Watchlist:



$TSM - 4/6
  • Price vs S&P - +1. 1 Yr +22.78% vs +16.63% and 3 Yr +59.16% vs +39.64%.
  • FCF Rank - +0.5. Div/FCF is 371.80% and greater than 50%. Need to look into this.
  • Conviction - +1. High.
  • Dividend Yield - +0.5. Yield of 4.55% is higher than average, less than Top 5%.
  • Weighting - 0. Currently overweight in sector.
  • P/E - +1. 16.53 is less than portfolio median and S&P.
  • Source: Pre-2023
$CAT - 4/6
  • Price vs S&P - +1. 1 Yr +47.43% vs +16.63% and 3 Yr +84.75% vs +39.64%.
  • FCF Rank - +1. Div/FCF is 47.88% and less than 50%.
  • Conviction - +1. High.
  • Dividend Yield - +0. Yield of 1.88% is less than average.
  • Weighting - 0. Currently overweight in sector.
  • P/E - +1. 18.89 is less than portfolio median and S&P.
  • Source: Pre-2023
$DMLP - 4/6
  • Price vs S&P - +1. 1 Yr +28.04% vs +16.63% and 3 Yr +174.59% vs +39.64%.
  • FCF Rank - +0.5. Div/FCF is 103.85% and greater than 50%.
  • Conviction - +0.5. Medium.
  • Dividend Yield - +1. Yield of 12.40% is greater than Top 5%.
  • Weighting - 0. Currently overweight in sector.
  • P/E - +1. 9.82 is less than portfolio median and S&P.
  • Source: Pre-2023

Consumer Discretionary:
$TPR - 4/6
  • Price vs S&P - +1. 1 Yr +41.75% vs +16.63% and 3 Yr +211.41% vs +39.64%.
  • FCF Rank - +1. Div/FCF is 0.50% and less than 50%.
  • Conviction - +1. High.
  • Dividend Yield - +0. Yield of 0.85% is less than average.
  • Weighting - +0. Currently overweight in sector.
  • P/E - +1. 11.90 is less than portfolio median and S&P.
  • Source: Pre-2023

What would I be buying?
If I were initiating my annual new positions right now, my choices would be the following:

Roth IRA
$TPR - 5.5/6 is highest company in Watchlist and an unrepresented sector.

$RICK - Highest rated (4/6) in un-represented sector.
$SEAS - Highest rated (4/6) in un-represented sector.

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