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dichloroacetate of DCA- anyone know anything about it?
I’ve read about this Drug DCA and I wanted to know if anyone has a strong opinion about it.

I’d also like to know what publicly traded companies produce or otherwise have an interest in DCA.

SVB crashes
Who is buying $SIVB right now? Hold or buy?

I own. Am holding but management is obviously a fresh, new concern to me. CEO less than a quarter ago said cash burn was low. Now this. Then he gives an interview today saying he told customers the bank is fine as long as customers tell other customers it's fine and if they don't, that could cause the bank to not be fine. What in the world is this guy doing?
Tech and antitrust
I was going to pour a bunch of pre tax funds into tech stocks but I’m a bit concerned about the revitalization of antitrust enforcement, esp in Europe post brexit. Does anyone have an opinion about the future of tech that incorporates a robust antitrust regime?

Educate me on Domo
Can someone explain why the Gaap and non gaap net losses are so different?

Also curious about opinions of Domo.
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Bc non-GAAP is a made up number management uses to make its earnings appear less bad. To see what was excluded by this management team check the 8k/10Q
+ 1 comment
I just went auto buy for $UPWK bc there’s a lot of really smart poor people in other countries willing and grateful to work for less.

Job market arbitrage is a real thing that is only going to become more and more of a force. Agree that this is a trend to not ignore
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Eth 2
So I staked my ethereum and now have ethereum 2; was this a good idea? I was wine drunk when I did it in my defense.

I keep going back and forth— I haven't done it yet. But am very interested in staking using RocketPool since it keeps things liquid. But there's more stuff to keep track of.

I think @dissectmarkets has also taken the plunge going ETH 2? I forget, might have been someone else.
Can someone explain to me why crypto is not behaving in a counter cyclical manner?
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Zoom short
They were hacked. Legal and IT stopped using the platform until clarity. Log4j2

Okay people-we’ve trained for this. Just tell me what to

Schwab implements trading fees on OTC securities. Bastards.
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This seems dumb of Schwab...maybe it makes sense because OTC trades are low volume? But you gotta think that the trend is not to add fees trades. Schwab seems like they're moving in the wrong direction on this one.
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