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Elise's avatar
Today’s Trades
I should probably start using this space for real memos! For now, quick notes every few days will have to do.

After frustrations over riding the vaccine wave, I decided to get off. Exited very green ($PFE and $MRNA ) but not what I expected at all. Will continue to watch closely. And am still in $NVAX for better or for worse.

In bio tech, I added to $TWST and $PSTI positions. $TWST because have seen 60% returns so far and think this will skyrocket. $PSTI because despite the drop, we are seeing a quick comeback. So good to average down.

Lastly, bought first position in $BIDU . Excited about this one with their speculation about getting into EV.

Elise's avatar
Today’s Moves
Oy! A more eventful morning than I would have liked! All vaccine related.

Sold $BNTX today. Probably should have sold sooner but was remaining hopeful all week. Going to continue to watch it and consider getting back in at $100.

Honestly could say the exact same thing about $CVAC. Sold but will still have an alert on $100. Their results of their Phase 3 aren’t looking great so a bit less interested in this one.

Took sizable profits on both but could have taken more if I had pulled the plug a few days ago 🙃 Don’t you love when that happens?

Continuing to hold $NVAX and $NVTA probably despite my best judgement. Put some serious alerts on though so I don’t miss anything.

In news outside bio, added to $OKTA and $TWLO positions.

I really like Invitae $NVTA for the long term even though it is a risky play for world domination they're shooting for.

For me its a 'size according to how much I'm willing to lose' and then just don't sell. Otherwise I'll be a weak hand with all the volatility. In my opinion this is a company where Morgan Housel's words ring true: "Volatility is a admission fee worth paying"
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