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September portfolio
Sharing the portfolio like the rest of the group, so far so good, I'm happy with the lessons I learned during this prolonged bear market for growth stocks that essentially started in February 2021, basically right after I entered individual stock picking in November 2020. Lots of lessons I got. Really liking the way my allocations are and portfolio holdings. I'll continue to do smaller tweaks but much of the portfolio is set.

I'll use this post also as an opportunity to post on $MDB. After a horrible stock price reaction, I finally got the opportunity and digested their results entirely. EU weakness comes as no surprise given the economic situation here. NA performance stronger than expected is a bullish sign. Overall just facing tough comps and little tougher macro given the consumption based nature of Atlas.

Slower growth therefore to be expected in the upcoming quarters given the comments of lighter usage expected to remain for the rest of the year but all and all thesis on track for me.

After making sure I'm not adding to a potentially thesis breaking company, I added to my $MDB position, expanding it by roughly 20%.

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Eric Messenger's avatar
Hopefully you’re adding to those hyper growth companies while they’re down 30%-70% YTD. If I believed in them (haven’t done the research to have conviction either way, so I’m neutral) I’d be adding as much as I could. $NOW , $SHOP , and $SNOW are three of the strongest I’m looking at adding at these more rational valuations.
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