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Profits are made on the way down…
Agree with the ⬇️ philosophy /approach. Here are my names to add to that list:

$QCOM - growth in every sector of chip use, with a lot capex model helps this company remain low risk with high interest rates…a global talent pool and legal strength, and partnerships across industries makes this company important to governments

$TXN - a shift away from China Mfg will help lower geographic risk. 40% of revenue currently from China. Very strong capital allocators and generates tons of OCF/FCF…no need to look at BS “adjusted” metrics

$TSLA - strong supply chain management(batteries,
Minerals, and components) and in house problem solving vs using consultants to maintain strong margins and operating leverage, in an increasingly difficult world, & uses leverage from other related companies like SpaceX, and has built positive reputations in Europe Asia and the Americas already…

$SWAV - a small company relatively, it’s basically using a razor and blade model to serve the cardiovascular calcification issue globally. It’s recently won permission to serve the China market, and a randomized study has just been released where patients after two years of receiving their treatment are doing better than those who underwent regular angioplasty (stents, etc). At these valuations and improving topline, bottom line, and OCF/FCF numbers & having no debt, I find a global reopening scenario (regardless of economic trend for the next 12-18 months) a great time to relook at $SWAV

Thanks to @osayawe_terry for his post, jogging my thoughts…and these are just a few of the top of my head. Hope to add more as the storm continues to brew! Thanks for following!

Terry Osayawe's avatar
Times are hard, so some words on encouragement to keep perspective is needed.
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