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The aim is to grow the account 10x by end of 2024. Make sure you #PlanYourTrades If u sign up 4 #CheddarFlow yearly plan using our #ReferralLink, we will provide u 15-30 mins session on how we use the tool, Check
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This is a huge position which was closed last week before $AAPL event, expecting a move <150 in coming 2 weeks but don't want to fight Fed & Market Makers so giving it lot of time to materilalize again

X (formerly Twitter)
WeAreDayTraders - Let the markets come 2 u πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ“ˆ (@WeAreDayTraders) on X
Got back into $AAPL Dec 16 2022 165P again @ 10.25 #PlanYourTrades

What do you think would
be $AAPL event outcome ?
Post $AAPL Event ?
60%Stocks continues move higher
40%Stocks trades flat
0%Huge Rug Pull happens

5 VotesPoll ended on: 9/8/2022

Apple Event - what's coming 🀞
Exited all $AAPL shorts today, you never know what they announce as there is huge #market #hype of an Apple car.

Be careful if you are short, any mention of Apple #EV Car, drives the stock crazy

Just a heads up, hashtags don’t serve any purpose on Commonstock :)
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