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Microsoft’s new Xbox TV app streams games without a console later this month
Cloud Gaming is coming big time. The switch from consoles (on-prem) to cloud will be both more lucrative to customer because of long-term updated HW on the backbone and availability everywhere and for manufacturer by decreasing costs and immediate deployment. Therefore the ROI for both sides makes a lot of sense. And what does occur when there's an innovation that makes sense for all sides? You're right, it's an S curve.

  • Streaming of audio & video was unlocked by 3G & 4G technology
  • Streaming of games is just being unlocked by 5G technology

Who's winning here? Well, a few examples: $AMD $QCOM $NVDA $MSFT

The Verge
Microsoft’s new Xbox TV app streams games without a console later this month
Xbox Cloud Gaming is arriving on some Samsung TVs.

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