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Portfolio update - September 2023
With the month of August coming to an end, it's time for our monthly review. During the month, I was very opportunistic and made a lot of purchases from the proceeds of my previous sales.

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I've continued to build up my positions in $LVMH $DUOL as they pulled back despite posting excellent results.

I've continued to add to my Core positions $ASML $MA $MSFT and $AMZN following my plan.

I couldn't resist taking advantage of the nonsense that occurred with $HIMS posting stellar results and then despite being up something like 17% pre-market slumping after results by 27% caused by in my opinion - a baseless short report. I've more than doubled my position during the month.

During the month, I've also decided to start a separate "Tesla dream fund" solely with the purpose of saving up for my dream Tesla Model 3. Although this is speculative, I believe I can make this work, it's a bit of a challenge for myself. Today, I've made a first purchase of $TSLA in that fund.

Main portfolio allocation looks like this:

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