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How much gain is "good enough"?
How well did your portfolio perform in 2020? With a year of unprecedented growth, there was a flood of stock news and historic IPO's to keep track of. Throughout the year, FOMO was a bit of a theme. I passed up $TSLA and $PTON, and sat on the sidelines with $TDOC, $MELI and $SE, to name a few. It's easy to get caught up in what I missed out on instead of celebrating the wins.

Commonstock has also opened my eyes to incredible investors with portfolio performance unlike anything I've seen. Have you seen the leaderboard lately?! It's easy to compare my portfolio to yours, and have envy for the gains I could have had. But this community is not about out-doing anybody else. It's about learning from each other, and like they say on Make Me Smart, "none of us is smarter than all of us." We become better investors through the collective power of sharing our learnings.

Recently, I've been asking myself, "when, if ever, am I content with my portfolio performance?" I've learned from so many of you, and because of that, I've identified ways I could have done better with my portfolio in 2020. Even with my portfolio gaining about 100%, am I satisfied with this? There will always be opportunities many of us will miss out on, but there have also been many risks we have taken and been rewarded for. We each have our own measure of what we determine as "good enough", what is yours?
Podcast: Make Me Smart with Kai and Kimberly
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