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July Taxable Portfolio Review
Top 5 Positions (as of 8/12)
  1. $CMA - 8.2%
  2. $CARR - 8.0%
  3. $VEA - 7.7%
  4. $VDE - 7.4%
  5. $VTI - 6.4%
Portfolio Value
June '23 Month End: $16,849.75
July '23 Month End: $17,930.85
Value Difference: +$1,081.10
Performance: +6.42%
Portfolio vs S&P
June '23 S&P Month End: $4,450.38
July '23 S&P Month End: $4,588.96
S&P % Difference: +3.11%
% Difference Portfolio vs S&P: +3.31%
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July '23: $39.85
July '22: $30.58
% Difference: +30.3%
PADI: $483.59 to $502.48 (+3.9%)
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$VDE - 0.0453 shares via dividend reinvestment
$VIG - 0.0144 shares via dividend reinvestment
$VDE - 5 shares at $112.31
$XLE - 2 shares at $80.58
$O - 2.1156 shares at $59.75
$RVT - 8 shares at $13.79
$IEUR - 3.0409 shares at $52.49
$FUN - 3.0430 shares at $39.77
$VTI - 1 share at $220.28
Summary & Commentary
I completed my quarterly portfolio review at the beginning of July, where I executed my sell strategy of liquidating positions less than 1% of my overall portfolio. You can check out the full post here.

That review and sell gave me an influx of capital that I deployed into $VDE and $XLE as they were the highest rated holdings in my Scorecard.

Additionally, I did some rework to my Scorecard and converted my Dividend Yield KPI to Total Shareholder Return and added a 7th KPI for Share Count Reduction. You can check that post out here.

As for portfolio performance, some of my top holdings had strong months. $CMA, $CARR and $VDE all had very strong months that contributed to this portfolio outperforming the market by over 3%.

Would love to hear your thoughts or feedback in the comments.

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