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Holdings as of 11th of April:
12,1% Sartorius Stedim Biotech
10,3% Adyen $ADYEY
7,5% Decisive Dividend
7,5% Eastnine
6,8% Moncler
6,2% Advanced Micro Devices $AMD
6,1% Sofina
5,4% Fractal Gaming Group
5,4% Sea Ltd $SE
5,2% Inari Medical $NARI
4,0% ChemoMetec
3,6% Wise PLC
3,3% Shockwave Medical $SWAV
3,0% Troax Group
3,0% Smartsheet $SMAR
2,6% Datadog $DDOG
2,4% HANZA
2,3% Atlas Engineered Products
1,7% engcon
1,5% Xvivo Perusion
0,4% Cash

How do you view the recent Polyplus acquisition by Sartorius? I don't think they got a great deal, especially buying in a PE auction. They gotta prove that the price wasn't too high.
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