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Biotech and healthcare (not only) investor. Swing trades with high risk/reward ratio. Watchlist contains few stocks that I hold. Thanks for your attention and enjoy!
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Update on stocks I posted earlier: $ENVX moving slowly, becomes very risky. $MOS is looking good, but still no entry point. $COIN is out of watchlist for now, formation is broken.

$AVD now a good opportunity to take money of the table. 17% movement from a previous post.
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$GLBE enother technology stock is ready for a decent move
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Some see Global-E as a play to bank on the growing interests in businesses looking to accept other currencies as a way to grow their business. I hope that they can maintain their growth.
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$ENVX mentioned earliear, and $COIN forming interesting formations with entering points right now. Their financials are not so obvious, but maybe, we don't see the whole picture.
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Update on stocks, I posted recently. $YY, and Chinese sector clearly out of perspective for now. On the other hand, Agricultural looking pretty solid: $AVD, $IPI
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