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$TSLA pinned at $180...
...with not much headroom in the options market, made a small bet on some puts incase the market moves lower this afternoon....
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April 2023 Survey of Consumer Expectations
Tomorrow's inflation day! Some interesting notes from consumer survey released yesterday....

inflation expectations declined at the short-term horizon, but increased slightly at the medium- and longer-term horizons. Labor market expectations deteriorated slightly, with unemployment expectations and perceived job loss risk increasing and job finding expectations decreasing. Perceptions and expectations of credit conditions were mixed.
Short-Term Inflation Expectations Decline; Perceived and Expected Credit Conditions Mostly Unchanged - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK

$PACW , the next domino....
Seems like some people in the market timed this one well...
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"Confidence in a financial institution is built over decades and destroyed in days. As each domino falls, the next weakest bank begins to wobble," -
Bill Ackman
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FOMC Meeting Expectations Check
Ok, so the market is expecting the Fed to stay the course (Graph 1), but more interestingly, the rate hike expectations come down as we move into the future (Graph 2, Jan 2024).
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CME FedWatch Tool
Count down to the next Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) rate hike with the CME FedWatch Tool, based on the Fed Funds target rate. View the tool.

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