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$AAPL Vs $TSLA battle of the Titans
Since 2014 we’ve heard rumors of fits and starts on project Titan at Apple, their self driving EV.

Here’s my hot take after today’s rumors. 🔥
For background I was employee 200 at Tesla 2008-2013

Sounds like “game on” again for the “iCar” from Apple. Is this just a play to improve their multiple or do they really intend to compete with Tesla?

Looking through the speculation in this article it seems like Apple will outsource hardware like lidar and other auto manufacturing. That’s a very un-apple like move not to vertically integrate a complicated hardware product like a car. I feel like they underestimate the challenge of bringing a new car to market. If $AAPL suddenly😉 owned the polestar ev they might have a chance to deliver on this 2024 timeline otherwise I say they have very little chance.

Still analysts will love what this means to their spreadsheets for the next couple yrs allowing the multiple to expand -providing more room for growth.

If anything this news just makes $TSLA look 😎

Nathan Worden's avatar
Such a good point- announcements like this prior to any execution mainly gives analysts more leeway to lean more heavily into whatever bias they already have.
Colin's avatar
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