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Trends in Online Ordering $OLO
Will a recession spell doom for third party food delivery services? It’s hard not to be discouraged by the near obscene costs of ordering from $UBER Eats or $DASH compared to ordering directly through the restaurant. Personally, I never use these services anymore because I pay almost double what it would cost to just go pick something up. Take-out culture is here to stay, so a recession could lead to a shake-up in how we choose to order food. Enter (or re-enter) direct ordering.

Direct Ordering Advantages:
  • Up to 30% discount to 3rd party marketplaces
  • Access to loyalty programs
  • Data sharing for improved customer experience
  • Greater insulation from market conditions relative to third party marketplaces

Can direct ordering SaaS platform $OLO actually benefit from a recession by taking market share? DoorDash and other third party delivery services seem to be positioned to struggle in a recessionary environment. On the other hand, direct ordering fills the need created by the take-out culture. It doesn’t feel like a stretch to suggest that this space could see some consolidation and shrinking competition as decreased consumer spending puts pressure on expensive luxury services.

You can read more about it here.
Food N Beverage Tech Review
In a Downturn, Don't Neglect Direct Ordering
With prices and the risk of recession rising, restaurants should reconsider direct ordering as a means to drive guest retention and growth....

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