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How Big Can Big Tech Get?
How Big Can Big Tech Get?

As a separate play to my index fund, which is the bulk of my investment strategy, I’m thinking of parking (through DCA over the next few months) a large sum into $GOOG, $MSFT, or $AAPL, and leaving it for 5-10 years. I’m very much a ‘set it and forget it’ type of investor.

Yes, I know that these are covered to a large degree in index funds, but I want to double-down on good, profitable companies that might “own the future”, so to speak. I’ve identified these three from an AI, cloud, entreprise software and infrastructure, and/or hardware and devices perspective.

Thing is, I can’t wrap my head around how a $1T+ company gets any bigger. Will we be talking about the mega cap floor as being in the $1T+ range in a few years? Will we have ‘giga cap’ next in the $5T range? Seems mind-boggling.

Hoping someone with experience over the decades can lend some wisdom.

I’d also like to hear your opinions on $GOOG, $MSFT, and $AAPL and their ability to grow by a substantial degree in the next 5-10 years.

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