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April Roth IRA Portfolio Summary
​Portfolio Value
March '23 Month End: $9,873.87
April '23 Month End: $10,499.16
Value Difference: +$625.29
Performance: +3.2% (excluding contributions)
Portfolio vs S&P
March '23 S&P Month End: $4,109.31
March '23 S&P Month End: $4,167.87
S&P % Difference: +5.4%
% Difference Portfolio vs S&P: -2.2% (excluding contributions)
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April '23: $17.37
April '22: $8.29
% Difference: +110%
PADI: $238.59 to $260.49 (+9.2%)
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$KMB - 0.0705 share via dividend reinvestment

$KMB - 1 share at $134.16

$EMB - 0.0181 shares via dividend reinvestment
$HASI - 0.044 shares via dividend reinvestment
$LQD - 0.0124 shares via dividend reinvestment
$KMB - 2 shares at $135.59

$KMB - 1 share at $137.77

$OZK - 0.0369 shares via dividend reinvestment

$VTI - 1 share at $203.91
Summary & Commentary
I completed my quarterly rebalance which resulted in the sale of 1 share of $VTI. This should be my last sell for a while as I am now closer to my target weight in $VTI. My next potential positions to trim are $VNQ and $VIG, but I am hoping to balance those positions with additional contributions before my target holding period hits for these positions in January of 2024.

I have continued and increased my bi-weekly contributions with a recent raise at work. This has allowed me to continue to add to my highest rated positions, primarily $KMB. I am very close to my target weighting in $KMB. Moving forward, I will probably be alternating between buying $KMB and $HSY, depending on which holding is more underweight.

As my portfolio value increases, my bi-weekly contributions are becoming a smaller and smaller portion of my portfolio. This is resulting in a longer time to reach 2% cash position, which is my trigger point to make another buy. I am considering parking the cash in my portfolio in a money market fund. Fidelity does this automatically, not sure why Merrill Lynch doesn't do the same.

As always, would love to hear your feedback, questions, or input in the comments!

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