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$16.2M follower assets
I invest in private and public markets. I try to get better at holding winning positions for the long term. Sometimes emotions get in the way.
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Kai's avatar
Portfolio Management
I want to free up some cash to double down on a position.

What do you do?

  1. Liquidate the lowest-performing positions (-10% to +10% gains to date)? They represent the smallest tax burden. However, I have high conviction in these positions, and expect them run up in Q1.
  2. Liquidate the best-performing positions (+100% to date.) They will trigger short term capital gains. But they already ran up a lot.
  3. Skim across all positions across the entire portfolio.


I usually take from the high flyers. Doesn’t hurt to lock in a profit even with the tax event and typically need to get allocations back in line anyway.

Something else I look at is other exposure. For example, earlier this year I took some AMZN off the table for the first time ever. Comfortable doing that because I still had plenty of exposure via both the stock I had left and through SPYG in my retirement accounts.
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Kai's avatar
Tik Tok Houses
Tik Tok houses up 40% $TONJ 🤷‍♂️ Investing is hard.

wait...there's actually a publicly-traded TikTok house?! / media company that owns one/some?

getting "Tongji Healthcare Group, Inc." when I search for TONJ stock
Kai's avatar
Contrarian Picks
Looking at my social feeds and newsletters, it appears everybody is holding or rotating similar stocks. What is your best contrarian pick for the next year?

My pick for now $FUV. Just opened a small position.
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