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Joey Hirendernath
$17.5M follower assets
Here to learn mostly. Invest in Index Funds and some individual stocks.
806 following322 followers
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Role models inspire you to learn, grow and push yourself to be the person you want to be. I feel like this might be a fun hypothetical exercise to find out what investing qualities and styles you find admirable and want to emulate moving forward.

If you had the opportunity to converse over a meal with any of the following investors, or ones that are not included, who would you choose and why?

Comment down below πŸ‘‡
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Soros and Ackman! Probably in a bar over some drinks haha
Edmund Simms Values $HSY
Ever since @scorebdinvestor brought my attention to $HSY I've wanted to gain a better understanding and have a value-oriented analysis of the company.

Thanks, Edmund for this quality piece ✨ @valuabl

Check it out here πŸ‘‡

Why Does The Stock Market Go Up?
Really excited to start reading @brianferoldi’s new book πŸ“š πŸ“• πŸ“–

As a beginner investor I have always found Brian’s content to be jargon free, easy to grasp and elegantly pragmatic.

Would love to know other readers thoughts. Also taking on board suggestions to add to my reading list πŸ™‚

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3 types of investing procrastination traps
Hey Commonstock! I thought I'd share 3 common procrastination traps that I myself fell into before I started investing and reach out to the community to find ways for beginners can avoid this.

  1. The "trying to time the market' approach - I am not comfortable with what's happening in the market. I am going to wait for things to settle down.

  1. The Portfolio Perfectionist - I am still working out what my ideal portfolio should look like. I need to research loads more to decide what exactly it should consist of.

  1. The "My finances are not ready" excuse - I just need to save more before I can afford to invest, but first I want to go on that special vacation and negotiate my salary

These were some of the mental blocks that I overcame when I first started investing, would be interested to hear how you got over them, or if you have any other examples of reservations before you began investing yourself?

Number 1: I studied Technical Analysis for years and have found price action, RSI, stage analysis, and gap fills are a very successful strategy for me to find long term entries/exits. Will I time the bottom? Probably not, but TA tells me when not to buy more than when to buy.

Number 2: The perfect portfolio does not exist. It all comes down to ones risk tolerance and time trajectory. Most people would benefit from putting all their money in $VOO and $QQQM and never trying to build an individual portfolio.

Number 3: Those that use this excuse just need proper education on the stock market and how it works. I seek to be very patient with these people to explain to them that investing can be risky but its even more risky if they never do invest.

Hope this helps :)
Dividends: What do you wish you knew on Day 1?
Hey Commonstock, I have been considering starting a small portfolio of dividend-paying companies outside of my primary portfolio (which is mostly indexes). I plan to stick to names that I know reasonably well. As I am not the most experienced in stock picking, I view this as an opportunity to learn with skin in the game, but with lower volatility.

So, for anyone who has experience investing in this space, what are some of the lessons you wished you had known on day 1?

First lesson most dividend investors learn early on is to not chase high yields! High yields are often attractive for building a strong cash flow of dividends, however high yields and high payouts are often not sustainable for those businesses.
Seeing a lot of new faces on this platform :)

I want to discover and follow more people so if you are active on here, please upvote this and I will follow you to learn more :)

Catching up on the things I missed over the weekend on Commonstock and saw that loads of people are sharing their portfolios with nice visuals.

As a newer investor, this is massively helpful, and I love the transparency!

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