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Steve fambro
More range, more performance, more safety, more fun- with fewer batteries, less mining, less energy, less carbon. Doing more with less.
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Aptera will save you thousands per year
Aptera is 14 times more efficient than an F150 and 3 times more efficient than a Tesla Model S. According to the efficiency chart, you could travel 14 times farther with an Aptera using the same energy consumption as my current SUV. #Domorewithless
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Savings Calculator | Aptera
Power your vehicle with the sun. Find out how much Aptera will save you with the Aptera Savings Calculator.


Well This three-wheeled car is super lightweight and efficient. It achieves this through a few design strategies. It zeroes in on minimizing drag and weight, and its chassis further reduces weight and decreases roll resistance.

It’s because of its innovative design, the Aptera can achieve a range of up to 1000 miles.

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