Dominick DELORETTA@dominitrade04/20/2022Happening now on Public Live: Live Broadcast: TSLA Q1 Earnings Live - Market news with live commentary and analysis from trusted industry expertsGet your market news in the same place you invest, with live commentary and analysis from trusted industry experts.0123456789
Dominick DELORETTA@dominitrade12/02/2021 by @doughelton1 0123456789Dominick DELORETTA@dominitrade12/02/2021$SQ & $PYPL are cheapAdd a comment…
Dominick DELORETTA@dominitrade11/15/2021$CONSTITUTIONDAO crypto bid for copy of US Constitution by @dominitrade2 0123456789Jonathan@jonathanjohnson11/15/2021I hope they get it. 1 comment
Jonathan@jonathanjohnson11/15/2021I hope they get it. 1 comment
Dominick DELORETTA@dominitrade11/15/2021#wethecrypto1 0123456789Dominick DELORETTA@dominitrade11/15/2021$CONSTITUTIONDAOAdd a comment…