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Bruno Santos
36 following24 followers
Semi and chips shortage
Hi ,
Some months I invested into the following related semi - conductors companies :
Due to Fabs low capacity to meet chips demand specially to automotive , the market in semi has been unstable .

I wonder what is best way to proceed . Do you believe is kind of temporary ?

Kind regards ,
Two ways the semiconductor shortage may play out
Secular trends and the deflationary characteristics of tech will likely keep semiconductor companies booming.

I own shares of $NVDA and $TSM as well and remain quite bullish. I believe it's definitely temporary. If you can hold for 5+ years, these will be great companies to have in your portfolio. Long-term winners.
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The market drop
For a young investor as me , seeing such drops overall on all investments even on stable ETF makes me panic . First , any specific reason why markets are down in the last week ? Second , should I aim for the long run in general ?
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Market drops like this are a really good psychology check. If you feel super uncomfortable, it likely means you don't have enough of a cash position.

Not saying you should sell anything to build that cash position right this moment, but just a good reminder for when the good times roll around again- drops like this are normal and it's best to expect that they will happen rather than be surprised by them.
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