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20+ year American expat in Bangkok. Mostly buy and hold long quality (16 years and counting), GARP, tech innovation, a touch of value--but also short to mid-term swings, options, long-short. USA & Thailand equities. Also, cats.
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Welp, I just got kicked off Twitter for making a joke about Clorox earnings and drinking bleach 🤷‍♂️ Guess I'm here to stay, lol!

$SE lawsuit
$SE is being sued by the maker of the video game PUBG (Krafton Inc.) for copywrite infringement. Krafton is also suing Apple and Google for distribution of copywritten work. Sea Limited's Garena subsidiary produces Free Fire, a PUBG clone. Wikipedia has a couple nice articles on the history and case law regarding copywrite and video games. Looks like a publicity stunt/money grab by Krafton to me. Not material for investors, imo.

High IV Tickers
Interesting high IV stocks with liquid options I noticed today, for any premium sellers out there: $AAPL, $T, $XBI--I'll be trying to setup some iron butterflies/condors as my Friday evening entertainment.

Condors seem to work much better in a market that has been flat and low IV for an extended period of time. The protective wings experience theta at a faster rate than the short strikes. Any sharp price movements wipe out gains and possibly put you in the red. I’ve had most success with naked shorts for premium collecting. Maybe your experience has been different?
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The entire industry seems to have received an across the board sell-side downgrade. Guess analysts aren't foreseeing a BBB bill passing any time soon.

Favorite Trade of 2021
At the end of 2020 it was pretty clear that shipping (as in ocean-going ships) was finally going to have its day. Normally, I stay far away, as it's a weird industry with crummy economics and lots of shady financial antics, but I jumped in via $DAC, $NMM, $SBLK, and a couple of players in Thailand. These trades formed a significant portion of my short-term gains for the year. I've since switched to an adjacent, longer term hold, in $TRTN (shipping container lessor), which is my current second largest single stock holding.

A recent Twitter post by @charliebilello compared the 20-year performances of Berkshire and gold, which happened to be exactly the same.

The conclusion arrived at by @epsilontheory is that “There is zero alpha in possessing knowledge and expertise regarding the fundamentals of publicly traded companies. Zero.”

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Motley Fool Money Podcast
I know, I know . . . the Motley Fool gets flack for abundant click-bait articles and the hard shill of its services and newsletters, but am I the only one that thinks the Motley Fool Money podcast is terrific? I don't hear it talked about at all as a solid resource for stock picking investors.

It's an intelligent discussion about business and investing, through the lens of buying quality companies and holding long term. No ads, no shilling on the podcast. The host Chris Hill is on the ball, the analysts knowledgeable and forthright, it's humorous and doesn't take itself too seriously (see the Jan. 7 episode), but I come away from nearly every listen with something to think about. It was weekly, but this year they're switching to a daily format (I hope this doesn't dilute the value).

The Motley Fool was instrumental in my development as an investor 15 years ago, and I've been a bit disappointed in their turn towards the hard selling of their services since then, but I think their podcast continues to stand out as a valuable resource for individual investors.

And if you haven't listened, obviously, I recommend giving it a try.
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