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First YouTube video - covering $BKNG
Here is our full analysis on $BKNG at Hustle Hub by our Co-founder Adamos Hadjiantoniou.
We cover its business model, compare its profitability with $EXPE & $ABNB, provide analysis on KPIs, run a reverse DCF valuation and more.

This is the first time we tried a video content and any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

If you enjoyed this type of analysis make sure that you like and share it.

Note: Excuse us for any speaking mistakes as we are not native English speakers.
Booking Holdings Stock Analysis, BUY or SELL? $BKNG 2023 Outlook.
In this video Adamos Hadjiantoniou, ACA, CFA from makes a stock analysis of Booking Holdings (BKNG) after the 1st quarter earning...

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