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Top investors this month
5 Thursday Additions and 2 New Positions
I added to my core 34 position in $GLBE but also made secondary purchases in $COIN and $W since the markets have throttled them.

I also started new watchlist positions in $IDXX and $DXCM.

Last but not least, I bought some $DOCN and $LTCH for my daughter's account. Technically, DigitalOcean is one of my core 34 holdings, but it was for her account today.

Over time, I will continue adding to Global-e Online as its position needs to grow. Coinbase and Wayfair may get one more tiny purchasing round, but much farther down the road.

Idexx Labs and Dexcom fascinate me, so I just wanted to remember them.
Who performs the best over the next decade?
27%Idexx Labs

22 VotesPoll ended on: 5/22/2022

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