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Uber market size bigger than most assume?
I'm about 1/4 the way into my $UBER research and I think I may be discovering upside the market may not be fully appreciating.

The ride sharing market may have a much larger future if Uber can bring down the costs of rides and remove more friction from the market, thus making it more accessible to more customers.

Uber has chosen the partnership route for introducing autonomous vehicles (AVs) into its market - just last week launching Waymo in a couple US cities. In 10 years this could be a step change for Uber in making their mobility offering more affordable and accessible.

Just as countless other tech companies have been able to use disruptive technology to bring down the costs of their products and services and make them more accessible, will Uber be able to do this over time?

What is critical for Uber to do to make this a reality?

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