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7 Factors to Research When Considering an International Investment
When considering an investment in an international stock, whether it be a popular one ($MELI, $SE, $OZON, etc.) or a more obscure one, it is important to do your research. Here are seven factors that I think should be considered when researching any international stock (and some sub-questions that are worth asking):

1. Culture
How is the product/service being offered perceived culturally?
What is the cultural relevance of the business?
How, if at all, do these differences affect this business relative to its American counterpart, if one exists?

2. Infrastructure
Can the country/region’s infrastructure adequately support the business?
How would improvements in the infrastructure affect the business?

3. Industry
What is the current state of this industry within the country or region?
Is there a need for disruption, and importantly, is that disruption possible?
What competitors exist, both locally and internationally?

4. Economy
How is the overall economy in the country faring?
How is the relevant sector affected by the economy?
Are there any economic trends that I should be concerned about?
How, if at all, could inflation affect my investment?

5. Government
How do government factors (corruption, security, elections, regulation, etc.) impact the company or industry?
Are there specific risks to the company as a result of the government?

6. Accounting Standards
Are companies held to the same level of scrutiny as American companies or are they based in countries that are notorious for shady standards (Russia, China, etc.)?

7. Market Opportunity
Considering the aforementioned factors along with population etc., what is a realistic estimate of the TAM and growth opportunity?

What other factors do you all look at, and what are some of your favorite international stocks?

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