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Top investors this month
Quick update before the post
Wanted to share a quick update on portfolio before I’ll be releasing usual monthly update at

(I’m hoping to release it tonight but idk as a bit over the time busy with things)
1 month: +12.17% vs SPY +8.10%
YTD: -6.85% vs SPY -13.28%
From the start 09/20: +52.89% vs SPY +37.86%
Tomorrow is $VMD and $PYPL earnings so things could get even better or much worse, idk 🤷🏻‍♂️
"From $100K to $1M" & More. | YZ | Substack
Sharing my investing journey of trying to turn $100,000 into $1,000,000 - mostly stocks and some private equities. Click to read ""From $100K to $1M" & More.", by YZ, a Substack publication with thousands of subscribers.

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