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As each day goes by Costco continues to grind higher lol. I have been researching this name for the last few weeks, even started a position and then sold for profit as I was researching (boy do I look like an idiot right now for that). It's expensive there's no doubt about it but the more you research the more you find the high valuation warranted. It's a fantastic name. It excels with its customers. I know I say ULTA is the best retailer and that isn't up for debate with those operating margins and growth across the board but I think I have to say Costco is the best warehouse retailer/defense name retailer (better than it's competitors in Walmart, Target, Kroger and others). As you all know I am a fan of retailers. I have researched alot of different ones and honestly I think Ulta and Costco are on a planet of their own. Both excel in different ways and both absolutely crush the S and P over a long term period and I think both can continue to do that. Each has different growth areas to focus on going forward and both attract a different type of customer. The most important part of this post is to tell you what makes a retailer great. There are so many different retailers out there and they key is to make sure the one you own has a true competitor advantage over its competition. Ulta and Costco have clear competitive advantages over its competition. Most other retailers while some claim are great dont have an advantage. They all compete with each other too much. Need names that stand out in the consumer space. Names that make the consumer want to come back for whatever reason. It's how I found Starbucks and Ulta for example. I think Costco is another example of this. Either way both Ulta and Costco are very high on my radar going forward. Ulta has been on my radar for a while but I still continue to learn alot about them. I think they are two of the best retailers on the planet and they allocate capital so so well. Management team is exceptional for both. Anyone have anymore thoughts on Costco? Besides it being expensive lol I know that. Or if you thoughts on ULTA always happy to talk them too lol.

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