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I don't think I can ever get behind Boeing / But Boeing is doing well
Reasons why I have a hard time investing in Boeing:

  • Lack of transparency. Boeing was slow to disclose information about the 737 Max problems, and it resisted calls for changes to the plane. Lost my trust.

  • A history of cost-cutting. Especially in recent years, which raises concerns about quality of its plans. Planes are not the product you want to be concerned about

  • A failure to learn from its mistakes. Usually I'd say it's ok to make mistakes. But with planes, you can't afford to make many mistakes. And you better learn from them. Boeing doesn't seem to show they are learning from their mistakes.

That being said, Boeing seems poised to sell more planes in the future. If they do, Honeywell and Raython will do well.

Honeywell makes the plane cabins. Precision instrumentation.

So I'm more inclined to buy $HON

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