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Peloton Delays 10-K Filing, Big Red Flag
Following up on my post last week about Peloton $PTON there appears to be more bad news flowing from the company after they announced they will be delaying the reporting of their annual filing (10-K). Peloton issued a statement yesterday claiming they "require additional time to permit completion of the accounting and disclosures".

The key part of the statement is that this “includ[es] management’s assessment of the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting as it relates to its accounts and disclosures related to these strategic business developments.”

Filing an NT 10-K doesn't always lead to catastrophe, but it is always a red flag in my book.

Peloton Delays Filing 10-K Annual Report
At-home fitness company Peloton says it requires additional time to complete the accounting related to 'strategic business developments.'

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