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Leading indicator of a recession?
Yesterday, I went to the supermarket close to my house and they told me that days of inventory are 100 days now and they would prefer to have 90 days. A recession is upon us.

Of course, the above is false, but everything gets treated as a leading indicator of a recession nowadays, $SNAP is a clear example. I think it's fair to say that it was a clear missmanagement. How can a company guide 20% above the street only to guide down one month later? Too much ego?

It's also pretty amazing that a 20 billion company can bring the market down, but that's just a reflection of the current market.

Btw, I have no clue if a recession is upon us, and I don't plan on spending my time on predicting it. If a recession comes, other variables to predict are the timing, the impact and how much it will last. Not an easy game.

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