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Searching for clues from management commentary
Investors tune into earnings calls in order to better understand the company, the numbers they reported, and the little details you can't get from just reading a 10-K. Investors also enjoy listening to management opine about the broader economy because they have access to proprietary data that can serve as a indicator of something larger.

Maybe investors look to $RH to gauge consumer strength & when the CEO makes bearish comments they begin to get nervous. On the other hand maybe the CEO of a luxury retailer can't speak for 'average' consumer...

@paulcerro is the resident bull on Restoration Hardware and while it's a company I never looked at until this Twitter spaces, I do find it really interesting. Warren Buffet also finds it interesting as he took a stake in the company in 2019. I think this video is a great overview of just how impressive their showrooms are, good luck to any competitors looking to emulate their physical presence.

@mos_capital + @youngmoneycapital joined me in the camp of questioning why these comments carried so much weight across FinTwit.

Post media
RH Boston - History Reimagined
RH Boston - The Gallery at the Historic Museum of Natural History

Rihard Jarc's avatar
Earnings call are a great source also to see the accountability of management. If they don't execute well and put all the blame on external macro issues than that is a red flag for me. We all make mistakes. It's important to acknowledge them and learn from them.
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