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Dan Nile's bear thesis on $AAPL
As much as it sounds silly to think that someone would make Apple their largest short position, it's worth looking into the thesis on why it is.

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Out of the 6 points, the issue I have most is the interest rates. I don't think many people take out personal loans or BNPL financing to purchase a new iPhone every few years. I'm curious to hear the community's thoughts.
Niles Investment Management
Niles Investment Management
Niles Investment Management was founded by Dan Niles and combines decades of experiences with a thematic approach in an effort to deliver steady and consistent returns to build longterm wealth while safeguarding assets across market cycles.

Josh Kohn-Lindquist's avatar
Makes sense for the most part. Weirdly refreshing to see a contrarian take.

I can’t doubt them until I see it get worse though.
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