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$AAPL Fitness+ and $PTON
I've been using Fitness+ over the holidays. It's quietly impressive.
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Right now it's limited by the fact that a) it requires an iPhone and Apple Watch Series 3 or later and b) there are no live classes but the seamless experience leads me to believe that Fitness+ ($80/year) will eventually become a force for $PTON to reckon with (alongside other competition), putting downward pressure on Peloton Membership ($40/month and $13/month) growth and the company's goal to reach 100M subscribers.

Is $PTON in danger of becoming the next Blackberry?
BlackBerry's Famous Last Words At 2007 iPhone Launch: 'We'll Be Fine'
New book gives an inside view on how BlackBerry failed to react to the crippling impact of Apple's iPhone.

Blake Tucker's avatar
Not sure if I agree, for me $PTON is sticky because I can workout with my friends and the hardware/software combo can’t be beat. I think Fitness+ fits a purpose, but it’s growth is limited by the fact that the data is still locked in fitness. I can see that my friend workout out, but I can’t see if they struggled through the same portion of the class I did or where they ended up on a leaderboard.
Scott Barrow's avatar
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