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Ten Lessons from Michael Burry
Michael Burry is a well-known value investor, famous for his housing short prior to the 2008 crisis. Today he manages capital at Scion Asset Management.

Here are ten takeaways from one of the world's most peculiar money managers.

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1/ His weapon of choice? Research.

His playground? Anything.

"If I can find value in it, it becomes a candidate for the portfolio."

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2/ "I try to buy shares of unpopular companies when they look like road kill and sell them when they've been polished up a bit".

Burry has never feared being a contrarian and following his own gut.

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3/ "Investors should own a concentrated portfolio of high-quality businesses that can deliver strong organic growth even if the economy falters".

Finding businesses that can weather any storm is underrated during boom times.

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4/ "I have always believed that a single talented analyst, working very hard, can cover an amazing amount of investment landscape, and this belief remains unchallenged in my mind".

They say no man is an island, but Burry believes a single analyst can get reasonably close.

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5/ Not everyone can invest like Burry, find the style that marries your personality and create your edge.

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6/ Locate companies with growing intrinsic value.

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7/ "I care little about the level of the general market and put few restrictions on potential investments".

If Burry can find value, that's all he cares about.

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8/ And he never takes breaks in the pursuit of value.

"Regardless of what the future holds, intelligent investment in common stocks offer a solid route for a reasonable return on investment going forward".

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9/ Burry liked to insulate his thoughts to avoid outside influence and biases.

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10/ Know what you own, why you own it and DYOR.

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