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Trendlines only look great when they work. However, I found this one quite interesting. This long term trend shows the bubble move that $TSLA made. Now we come back to earth. This lower trend line may not be hit for a long time but it would make sense that it eventually is the area that the stock begins to bottom out. I think it's highly likely we see $TSLA at around $75/$80 in the relatively near future. This would fill several large gaps on the chart. It's feasible we even see $50 in my opinion. After that then who knows. After huge drops like this a large base will be built this could take months or more likely years to develop. Similar to it's previous long technical sideways action for years.

Where it goes from there depends on the companies fundamental performance. It's going to be difficult for every company through a recession but if they continue to innovate throughout that then the cycle begins again for one of the biggest winners of the past decade.
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Nathan Worden's avatar
Kind of an incredible story, both up to now and ongoing. In a lot of ways Tesla IS the quintessential bull market tech trade, and it’s unwinding now.
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