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A glance at the semiconductor industry
I felt like sharing some semiconductor-related content now that semis "are back" (they never left!) after $NVDA's great earnings (disc. no position)

First, a simple visual that explains the industry's structure. People who already know the industry might find this basic, but I struggled to find something similar when doing my research:

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I then decided to do a somewhat more complex visual with some more info on the industry. I tried to condense it one page but found it impossible, so I did a three-pager

Part 1: Types of chips and how they are made:

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Part 2: The manufacturing process, Moore's Law, and a bit of history

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Part 3: The industry today and geopolitical tensions

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Semis is undoubtedly a cyclical industry, but this doesn't mean that it does not have secular growth ahead of it.

This graph made by $TXN is a great example of this cyclical-secular dynamic. Over the short to medium term there are ups and downs, but the LT trend is up

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A cyclical-secular industry with great companies should be an investor's dream as it gives opportunities for those that are LT oriented and can see through the noise

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