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Compound Collaboration, Month #13
Every month I put aside some money into a portfolio aimed at long-term bets over the next 20 years. I will be gifting this portfolio to my future kids someday. I hope to use these memos as an educational tool to teach them about the world. With any luck, managing the portfolio will become a shared activity to collaborate on as they grow up.

It is one of the main reasons why I invest.
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Performance from the first 12 months:

‌‌Month #1 Aug 2020: ARKK +46%
Month #2 Sep 2020: ARKG +37%
Month #3 Oct 2020: BTC.X +309%
Month #4 Nov 2020: BTC.X +160%
Month #5 Dec 2020: NVDA +69%
Month #6 Jan 2021: VT +15%
Month #7 Feb 2021: PACB -2%
Month #8 Mar 2021: TSM -6%
Month #9 Apr 2021: KLIC +36%
Month #10 May 2021: TTD +15%
Month #11 Jun 2021: ETH.X +52%
Month #12 Jul 2021: ETH.X +41%

This month marks the one-year anniversary of the portfolio. Over the course of the year the portfolio as a whole returned 65%.

If I had invested in the S&P 500 every month instead of picking an individual stock, the total portfolio would have returned 21%.

While I don't expect to keep beating the S&P 500 by that much, it does feel pretty good to have the extra time and effort spent researching companies pay off.

This month I am adding ROKU to the portfolio. I did a full write-up on my Roku thesis here.

Here's to another year of great returns!

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