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$PLTR Unveils HARDWARE (!?) Skywise for Oceans | Palantir Bullets #8
Palantir last week:
  • Palantir unveils a new hardware product called “Skykit.” Skykit is a “box” mainly containing a PC with pre-installed Metaconstellation, a Starlink device for satellite connection, a Skydio drone, and batteries to keep the kit operating for days. The goal of this kit is to provide soldiers with a “mobile office” for the battlefield so that they can have full visibility of the battlefield. This kit, however, is set to not be confined to Defence uses only. In a tweet, Shyam unveils that Skykit is receiving commercial interest and could be expanded to commercial clients. This kit could be helpful in situations where the internet or power is not available. @Codestrap suggests possible use cases: detecting methane emissions in oil fields; first responders can search for survivors; construction managers can detect anomalies across an entire job site.

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  • HD Hyundai unveils “Skywise for Oceans” at CES. OceanWise is a management platform to optimize shipping by combining data from ships, transport companies and ports, to provide optimal routes. On this occasion, @ssankar COO revealed how Palantir helped HD Hyundai integrate over 260 source systems and 17,000 datasets in less than two years. HD Hyundai is clearly set to become one of the biggest Asian clients.

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Hardware unveiled, Skywise for oceans | Palantir Bullets #8
This week's Palantir developments and the crowned “Tweet of the Week”

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