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Getting Creative With Consolidating Student Loan Debt
January 31, 2022 is the deadline of the final extension of the student loan payment pause. The payment pause has been a lifeline that allowed millions of Americans to focus on their families, health, and finances instead of student loans during Coronavirus.

The pause also gave me an opportunity to think about ways to leverage new tools to get rid of bad debt.

Once interest starts kicking back in, I will have a handful of loans all between 3% and 6% APY.

I've been thinking selling the bitcoin and ethereum I bought in early 2019 in order to pay off the debt. But then I would incur some heavy capital gains taxes.

So now I'm starting to consider crypto loans.

Using a service like Celsius (and I think BlockFi?) I could take out a loan using my crypto assets as collateral.

Student loans start sucking money from me every month again starting January 31st. I could get rid of that bad debt and pay 1% instead of 3-6% and not have to sell any of my crypto.

What risks should I be considering here that I'm not seeing?

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