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Palantir is Still VERY Overvalued.
Palantir $PLTR has the potential to serve a very large TAM but they have extremely long sales cycles and their customers have very long and hands-on implementations.

I also see a pretty significant risk in the fact that Alex Karp personally led many of their deals which was possible with under 100 customers. However, in order to scale to thousands of customers (which they will have to do) they're bringing on a professional salesforce.

So essentially, I'm a fan of what the company does but see customer concentration, long sales cycles, and sales force enablement as key risks.

It's currently too expensive for it's revenue growth and lack of profitability.

I'd be interested in buying under $6/share especially given everything else that has sold off.
$PLTR will be under $9.5/share on 2022-08-11?
Validated to: Yes
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