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Opportunity to Go Long On Fastly
Fastly $FSLY is down 26% in after-hours trading today because they lowered quarterly revenue guidance. This is due to TikTok using Fastly less for Content Delivery Network (CDN) services amidst President Trump's threatened ban of TikTok in the US.

In the short term, this is spooking investors because TikTok makes up as much as 12% of Fastly's revenues. But in the medium and long term I don't think this matters much at all. There's a chance that this all gets sorted out and TikTok goes back to using Fastly just as much as before.

Even if TikTok's usage doesn't go back to normal, Fastly's services are superior enough to competitors such that I still expect them to continue to sign up big new customers in the future and increase their services with current customers (which include Amazon, Pintrist, Stripe, Yelp, The New York Times, New Relic, the list is impressive).

I personally will be buying shares tomorrow morning with the expectation of holding on 5+ years. As always, with high growth companies of the future, you can expect that drawdowns like this will continue to happen periodically, so don't invest if you're not in a place financially or psychologically to withstand a 30% drawdown. Only invest an amount of money you are confident you won't need for the next 5 years.

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